Shelter Box

Friday, October 25, 2019

Hanspeter Pfister, DG

What do Syria, the Bahamas, Bangladesh, Paraguay, Mala Chad and Somalia have in common?   All these countries were struck by humanitarian disasters in the year coming to an end. And in all these countries, ShelterBox, with its local teams, has been and is supporting thousands of families on the run, providing them with a sense of security, safety and normality. Tom Henderson, an English Rotarian and former rescue diver in the British Navy, founded ShelterBox 20 years ago. Tom had found that while humanitarian aid for disasters is mostly provided in the form of food and medicine, no one cared about protecting families in rebuilding their shelters during the first days, weeks and months. But especially families in need need need protection and warmth to function. After Tom Henderson received the support of his local Rotary club in Helston, Cornwall, UK, Rotary clubs around the world followed.

The partnership between Rotary and ShelterBox enables people to find retreats in the most difficult and uncertain times of their lives," said ShelterBox.  Past Rotary International General Secretary John Hewko's 2011 words remain valid and relevant. In 2018, Shelterbox was even nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. We Rotarians can be proud of the partnership between Rotary International and ShelterBox.

Also in Switzerland, many Rotarians are committed to this good cause and collect donations for the work of ShelterBox. ShelterBox Switzerland is led by Rotarians and all districts are represented on the board by a delegate. A network of speakers is available for the clubs. For example, the St. Niklausschwumm in der Aare in Olten, organized by Rotarians, is very popular on the first Sunday in December.  For more information and to donate, please visit

Shelter Box