Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Hanspeter Pfister, DG

ROKJ supports the integration of socially or economically disadvantaged children and young people by promoting their potential and talents.

The aim is not only to alleviate current hardship, but above all to have a preventive, sustainable effect.

How does ROKJ support?

ROKJ makes financial contributions for children and young people up to the age of 18. Activities supported include school, music, sports, camps, mobility, health and care. Individual coaching, e.g. for job seekers or families, is also possible.

Everyone is free to submit an application. It is important that it is submitted before any purchases are made or before the registration deadline for an event/camp etc. has expired.

Link: ROKJ

ROKJ Signet

Additional images

ROKJ Regionen (grau in Gründung)